What We Expect

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We enjoy teaching all levels, using individualized practice strategies and resources to help each student achieve their personal best; however, learning an instrument requires a high level of self-discipline and commitment. Students are asked to practice daily (4-5 days/week) for the number of minutes that is 3x their age. With our fun resources and challenges, students often enjoy practicing, so it's not always a struggle at home.

Realistic Piano Progress

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The videos below highlight students in each stage of the piano-learning journey (Beginner, Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced). Please read below for information regarding what each level entails, and how much practice is generally required to achieve each level of musicianship. Please enjoy watching the videos below, which feature our talented students at Creative Expressions Music Academy.

Beginner Piano

Gavin is a beginner student (0-1 years of lessons), practicing around 12-15 minutes/day. At 6 years old, our fun games/resources/practice apps help him establish a foundation in music and develop good practice habits. During Covid-19, Gavin performed from home: "Graduation Party" and "Eensie Weensie Spider".

Elementary Piano

Gavin is an elementary student (3 years of lessons), and he practices 30 minutes/day! He is entering the Preparatory Royal Conservatory repertoire. We regularly work on improvising, reading music, rote-playing, and playing by ear. It took about 3-4 weeks to prepare this piece for his recital, and his hard work paid off in... "The Entertainer"!

Intermediate Piano

Daisy is an intermediate student (5-6 years of lessons), and by now she practices about 45 minutes/day! She has completed the Level 5 Practical and Theory Exams through the Royal Conservatory of Music with First Class Honours with Distinction and is ready to compete in the Winnipeg Music Festival. Here she is, performing "Black Cat Scherzo".

Advanced Piano

David is an advanced student (7+ years of lessons), and he practices 60 minutes/day! He has completed the Level 8 Practical Exam with First Class Honours with Distinction, and received all four high school credits. At this level, we work to master technique, sight-reading, ear-training, and performance. Here he is, performing "Carnivalse".